Health Office Website
Maywood Avenue School Memorial School
Diana Zuccaro, RN, CSN Alyssa Meluso, BSN, RN, NCSN
Hours: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM Hours: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Phone: 201-845-9110 Ext. 1012 Phone: 201-845-9113 Ext. 2102
Fax: 201-845-7287 Fax: 201-845-0657
Email: dzuccaro@maywoodschools.org Email: ameluso@maywoodschools.org
Click Here to go to Nurse Zuccaro's Webpage Click here to go to Memorial Health Page
Click Here for MAS Health forms Click here for MEM Health Forms
Please notify the school if your child is going to be late or absent from school by calling your school’s attendance line before 8:30 AM and leave a message.
You can call day or night
Student Absence
In the event your child will be tardy or absent, you need to notify the school by 8:30 AM, even if you have notified the teacher.
Please call the attendance office at your child’s school to report the absence.
Clearly state:
- Child’s first and last name
- Grade
- Classroom teacher
- Reason for absence
Voice mail is connected 24 hours a day so you can call anytime.
If an absence is not reported, we will contact you to ensure the safe whereabouts of your child. When a child fails to report to school and when there is no parent/guardian notification the police department must be notified.
If your child has been absent for 5 or more consecutive days a physician’s note should be presented upon returning to school.